Attached is the new blog on discipleship. I am pressed to do this because we use this word so casually and loosely and incorrectly, I felt a need to make a comment. Here are some comments that our Savior Jesus made on the subject. Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, […]
Growth as a Disciple
The bible is clear, we are to take our life after salvation and invest in the things of God in preparation for Heaven. Salvation is not a renewal to return to the world feeling better about ourselves. As we walk with God it is very important that we use the Words of God correctly, Mat […]
Church Discipline
This is the next blog continuing the theme of gaining a Christian World View. This blog is on Church discipline that is given by us from God. God sets the rules for dealing with a fellow believer that has gone into rebellion or unrepentant sin. The Bible takes a great deal of time to describe […]
My Legacy to the Kids
I rushed this along to get you while you were thinking on the New Year. We live in a frustrating, difficult and confusing time. We need to calibrate in the direction that God has called us to. This blog is about recalibrating while you start the new year. Next month I will talk about a […]
Things We Must Get Straight (1st of 3)
The Bible is the Word of God: I have read and thought a great deal about this proposition. The Bible has been under continual attack from time immemorial but I have been surprised by what the most recent attacks which are aimed at Jesus’s resurrection. If they can dilute the Resurrection they can diminish Jesus.Consider […]